Sunday, 29 June 2014

knowing there's always a way

For my 43rd birthday, I’ve gifted myself with two offices!

Two places to play with words, to be still, to turn my passions into profit.

My heart is so full and my present is bounding with enthusiastic projections! Trying to sit still in the moment and reflect on this momentous stepping stone, I can’t believe I didn’t make it happen before.

I got caught up for a while with my present situation being too hard. Not able to rent office space in a town too far away, not able to leave the kids and not willing to work through the night anymore. Being saddled with limited internet data, a husband who works away in another's home and unwilling to send the kids to school.

I could feel the grinding wheels of creation wind down and a kinda despondency settling over my once thinking outa the box head.

And then I was gifted my answer.

I decided a while back I would find an extra housing limb; a caravan, house bus, yurt, something I could work in that wouldn't be far from home...a place I could snatch moments of solitude, moments of me, a palace to create the wonders of the universe in.

And then having dreamt it, I forgot about it.

I wrapped that dream up, and let it go.

And it came back... fully wrapped in wonder and sparkly bits. Friends heard the whispers of my plea and gifted me a birthday present of epic proportion. A way to make my next years passion projections come true. (Thank you Emma and Rob x)

And so this is how I come into my 43rd year with two office spaces! 

One office is away from home. The Creation Space.

I have no phone, no fax and no internet. There’s no music, no dishes and no must have conversations.

No distracting procrastination tools.

No way of checking in with emails. No ‘researching’ for blog material. No photo editing suite. No skype, no facebook, no google.

no time wasting!

My workspace is filled with creative energy.

The present.



A wood burner, electricity and a kettle.

And I’m graced by a grapefruit tree, macadamias, feijoa, dandelion and plantain. I think I may bring my freebie blender here too.

My commute, a track through the bush from home to the valley below.

The distance to travel to the office isn’t far enough so I’m gonna take the long route to work via the beach and grab a run while I’m at it. 

That way, when I open up my laptop I’ll be buzzing with negative ions, the 'must to do' list blown away and replaced with the TO-DAY list of present, proactive choices.

The creek thunders past my creation space, a 1979 Bedford housebus, this post-storm morning. 
Bird song filters through, warming the wooden walls with rays of sun, through rose strewn windows and the sea rests in debris after its 24hour rage with the wind.

I’ve popped to the pottery next door and gifted myself with a hand-thrown amalgama fired, salt glazed mug and bowl and filled jars with tea, trail mix and overflowed the bowl with kiwi fruit and persimmons.

A box of inspirational books, affirmations and my present goal list sits next to me, marking out a new present. 
My journal, a sketch pad and crayons sit in a box ready to come out and play.

This is where I'll spend 15 hours a week, working full time on my projects.

My second office is back where I started this morning, up the hill at home. The Connection Space.

It's gonna be in the belly of the spaceship in the family room. 
I’m nicking the girls craft space and gifting them with the energy room that I bagged first.

This is where my phone and internet will be when it arrives at the beginning of next month. This is where I can research, email, play and connect with the outside world.

This is the mothership.

Where I can be surrounded by the love of the family bubble, a gentle reminder to what comes first in my life.

Keeping my balance real.

And there it is. My success template.





A quiet place devoid of distraction for creation
A hub of positive activity for connection.

Ensuring that I use my commuting time as ‘free’ exercise time and gifting myself with a space for only me, there’s little left to procrastinate with!

Friday, 27 June 2014

surfing the web is not a form of exercise!

                                                                                               Brendon Burchard. Live.Love.Matter

All my adult life folk have been bangin' on about how bad drugs are.

Then there's smoking and over eating.

And of course... don't forget alcohol, only as so many people love this one and it's totally legal, social and needed it's not so readily bitched about.

And anyhow, you're a bit of a weirdo if you don't titilate in the odd glass of something when out celebrating.

Well. How about this one?
The boob tube
The black hole of mediocrity.
That objet d'art sitting in the corner, looming over you, pressing you to switch it on, melt into its rays of darkness ... go on, just one more time!

And if you do manage to stay strong and throw a cover over it so it doesn't feel as if it's so obviously burning a hole in your back...there's always the world wide web to watch over your moments of solitude.

The Black Hole is where our time gets sucked into. 

We all get 24 hours a day to do whatever it is we wish to do.
And even if you have to work an average of 8 hours a day...there's always 16 more to fill in.

8 hours to work
8 hours to sleep
8 hours for yourself

Think of the possibilities out there waiting to explode into your expansive new life!

All you've gotta worry about is how wisely you're gonna use this time. 

  • Making a weekly timetable ensuring you get exercise, fun times, rest and building a life outa your passions is one way of stopping the slippery slope of descent into the void of other peoples intentions.
  • Setting a timer by your computer when checking emails, facebook, your favourite blogs.
  • Making a TO DAY list with your absolutely must do's separate from the like to do's checkin' in with facebook!
  • Priotising a time in the day for emails, then giving yourself a set time of let's say, half an hour.
  • Treating yourself to one DVD night a week, something that you have chosen to enhance your life.

 ... and remember next time you say there's no time to fit what you want to do in your life, surfing the web is not gonna get yah fit for life!